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Dangerous Activities Are Foolish

There are a lot of activities in the world which are both exciting and safe. Taking part in these could well give lots of thrills for those among u…

5 Stages of Grief

( by Elisabeth Kubler Ross and David Kassler ) I n our lives, we have encountered at least one time feeling of loss or death. However, very f…

The Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect What is the mandela effect ? The mandela effect is a situation where a group of people remember or recall something that didn…

16 Personality Types Test

Are you sick of the generic personality test that depends on thing totally unrelated to your personality. Blood types test is too generic to be true…

Truth About Sunscreens ?

Do you love to use skincare and especially sunscreen? If you aren’t a skincare fanatic, you won’t notice the differences between physical and …

Useful Tips On How To Survive A Mental Breakdown

Mental breakdown (Nervous breakdown) is most likely to occur when a person is too much overwhelmed by the physically and emotionally challenging s…

Have you played Wordle?

A game, every streamer has been playing on twitch, a trending game everyone has been talking or sharing on the social media, a game with words …

What Is A Computer?

Definition : A computer is a machine or device that stores information, performs processes, calculations and operations ba…

How to Permanently Delete TikTok Account

For those who don't know, TikTok is a short video-based social media platform that provides a variety of features, including music an…
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