Important Instructions
"Before starting the test, Welcome all sudents. Read each question carefully and respond to all 30 questions within TIME LIMIT of 40 min.
Before Start Taking the test, let's go through each rule with examples.
1. Capitalization Rules
The First Word in a Sentence:
Example: The sun sets in the west.
Proper Nouns:
Example: Alice traveled to London last year. (Names of people, places, and specific things)
Titles of Books, Movies, and Works of Art:
Example: She loves reading Pride and Prejudice. (Capitalize major words in titles)
Days of the Week, Months, and Holidays:
Example: Our meeting is on Wednesday in December. (Capitalize days and months but not seasons like summer or winter)
The Pronoun "I":
Example: I will visit my grandmother tomorrow.
Nationalities/Ethnicity, Languages, and Religions:
Example: He speaks French and practices Buddhism.
Names of Organizations and Institutions:
Example: She was accepted into Harvard University.
Government Agencies and Departments:
Example: The U.S. Department of Education announced new policies.
Abbreviations and Acronyms:
Example: NASA explores space.
Historical Events and Periods:
Example: The Renaissance changed European culture.
Important Words in Direct Quotes:
Example: She asked, “Where is the Library?” (Capitalize the first word of a direct quote)
Specific Course Names:
Example: He is studying Chemistry 101. (Capitalize specific course titles but not general subjects like "biology")
Names of Planets, Stars, and Celestial Bodies:
Example: Mars is known as the Red Planet. (But not “earth” unless referring to the planet specifically, as in "Earth is our home.")
Brand Names:
Example: He bought a new Samsung phone.
Family Titles When Used as a Name:
Example: I will visit Uncle Joe this weekend. (But not “my uncle” in "My uncle is kind.")
Honorifics and Titles Before Names:
Example: President Lincoln gave a famous speech.
The First Word After a Colon (sometimes):
Example: There is one thing I love most: Chocolate.
You should not spend too much time on a question if you are not certain of the answer; answer it the best you can, and go on to the next question.
If you are not certain of the answer to a question, you can mark your answer for review and come back to it later.
Wishing you all the best.
Time Left: 50:00
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