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The GED Pre - Test

The GED Pre-Test, also known as the GED Ready Test, is a practice exam designed to help inpiduals assess their readiness for the General Education
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The GED Pre-Test, also known as the GED Ready Test, is a practice exam designed to help inpiduals assess their readiness for the General Education Development (GED) test. The GED test provides inpiduals who have not completed high school with the opportunity to earn an equivalent credential. It measures the knowledge and skills typically acquired in a four-year high school education.

The GED Pre-Test is administered by the GED Testing Service, which is part of the American Council on Education (ACE). It is an official practice test that closely mirrors the format, content, and difficulty level of the actual GED test. Taking the GED Pre-Test can give test-takers an idea of their strengths and weaknesses and help them determine if they are prepared to take the official GED test.

Here are some key features of the GED Pre-Test:

1. Format:

The GED Pre-Test consists of four separate subject tests, including Language Arts (Reading and Writing combined), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Each subject test follows the same format as the corresponding subject on the official GED test.

2. Content:

The GED Pre-Test covers the same topics and subject matter as the GED test. It assesses the test-taker's abilities in reading comprehension, writing skills, mathematical reasoning, scientific reasoning, and social studies analysis.

3. Length:

Each subject test in the GED Pre-Test contains a varying number of questions. The number of questions and the time allotted for each subject are similar to the corresponding subject on the official GED test.

4. Scoring:

The GED Pre-Test provides a score report that indicates the test-taker's performance in each subject area. It shows whether the inpidual is likely to pass, be borderline, or not likely to pass the official GED test. The score report can help test-takers identify areas where they need to focus their study efforts.

5. Preparation:

The GED Pre-Test is often used as a diagnostic tool to guide test-takers in their preparation for the official GED test. It can help inpiduals identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a targeted study plan.

6. Availability:

The GED Pre-Test is available online and can be accessed through the official GED Testing Service website or other authorized platforms. Test-takers can choose to take the entire set of subject tests or focus on specific subjects they want to evaluate.

It's important to note that the GED Pre-Test is not a requirement to take the official GED test. However, it is highly recommended as a valuable tool for test-takers to assess their readiness and improve their chances of success on the official exam.

Overall, the GED Pre-Test provides inpiduals with an opportunity to gauge their knowledge and skills in the different subject areas covered by the GED test. It can help them identify areas for improvement, tailor their study plan, and increase their confidence before taking the official GED test.

Here file below is the McGraw Hill Education Pre Ged 3rd Edition to get the essential skills you need to succeed on the GED! Pre-GED gives you a solid foundation in the basic skills you need to succeed on each of the four subjects of the GED test: Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Social Studies, Science, and Mathematical Reasoning.

McGraw Hill Education Pre Ged.pdf 2022 - 2023 3rd Edition 87.6MB .pdf

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