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Microsoft Office Pro Installation

How to install Microsoft Office Pro 2022 .....
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Microsoft Office is how billions of people around the world go to work and school, whether they do it from home, an office, a classroom, or a combination of any of those. This suite of productivity tools is used by people working in 106 languages in nearly every country in the world, and it’s available in versions for personal, small business, enterprise, and educational use.

In this article, we will share how to install Premium Microsoft Office Tools on your window computers.
All you have to do is just to follow the instructions below ....

Table of Contents

Truning off Antivirus running on your PC

Before you do anything about office installation, you need to disable all the antivirus protocols. In this case, you have to go to the window Virus & Threat Protection, which is the antivirus within the Window OS (Window 11). To do that, type the keyword "Anti" or the name of the thirdparty antivirus software in the search bar, and simply click to enter.

Search the words "Manage Settings" on that window, click it, then you will see all the features with toggles. Make sure all those features are in disabled mode.




Donwloading the necessary files

For the second step, you have to download all the necessary files into your PC, by clicking the download buttons given below.
The required three files are:

  1. WinRaR
  2. Office Installer
  3. License Activator

WinRaR to extract the encrypted files can be downloaded below here:

WinRAR.exe Software 3.35MB .exe

Office Installer for the Office Installaion can be downloaded below here:

Office.zip Software 18.7MB .zip

License Activator for License Activation can be downloaded below here:

KMS.zip Software 6.72MB .zip

Extracting the encrypted files

Before you start extracting process, make sure WinRAR is installed on your pc, or else install it first. Just run the first downloaded .exe file.

Office Installation

After extracting the rest of the downloaed files, run the office installer, then wait for the downloading and installing process to complete. When the Office is successfully installed, install kmspico and run it, click the activation button and wait for the magic to happen.


Congratulations! Now you have successfully installed Microsoft Office Pro all by yourself.

Putting Antivirus back online

The Final step is to put for PC back into the protected zone. For that, you just have to re-enable the security protocols in the below image.


This article is meant to the window users only with no attention to do harms to the Microsoft or the associated ones. Let us strongly suggest you purchasing the genuine products from the Software Companies.

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