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Dangerous Activities Are Foolish

There are a lot of activities in the world which are both exciting and safe .....
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There are a lot of activities in the world which are both exciting and safe. Taking part in these could well give lots of thrills for those among us who are more adventurous. Such activities include mountain climbing, water skiing, sky diving and so on. Though these activities do present some dangers, there are several safety precautions which have made them fairly safe. But then again there are other activities which are truly dangerous in themselves and of which few safety precautions are enough to ward off the possible dangers.

We read often of people who are seriously injured, or even lose their lives, through activities such as sports racing. boxing. kick boxing and performing dare devil stunts. It seems to make little or no sense that intelligent people should actually indulge themselves in such activities just to seek thrills. One wonders what makes people do them.

One reason could be that the are trying to make a living. This seems to be senseless when we see that there is no shortage of methods of making a decent living in the world. Even then there are few who make livings out of such activities as sports racing; others take part in dangerous activities for the thrill. Often it is a demonstration of manhood; as if they were in doubt and dangerous activities the only way of proving oneself. The truth is that, according to psychologists, only people who doubt themselves need to prove anything. Thus a man who doubts his own daring needs to prove how daring he is.

It seems senseless that grown men should get into rings and bash each other up in sport -- as in boxing. This goes on throughout the world despite there being may injuries; sometimes even to young boys. Doctors have pronounced that such 'sports' are actually dangerous and cause head injuries. There are situation when these are forced on the participants, who would otherwise rather not take part.

Frankly, it is of my opinion that these activities are carry-overs from primitive days and should be banned worldwide as a mark of civilization. Hence, in spite of the various attempts at rationalization, it is foolish to indulge in dangerous activities. Live is too precious for such and those who love themselves and life in general will not take part in them; not even as spectators.

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I'm just a human being striving to make the world a better place.

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