Mental breakdown (Nervous breakdown) is most likely to occur when a person is too much overwhelmed by the physically and emotionally challenging stresses of usual life and starts to have difficulties in coping with daily activities. The symptoms of mental breakdown can be varied from one person to another and the way to get rid of it can work differently depending on a person’s level of mental sickness.
Here are some useful tips on how we could get over a period of mental breakdown by practicing self-care and changing lifestyles!
Treat yourself to have more “me” time

If you are a type of person who loves to spend time alone and in a situation of when you feel the need of letting yourself do whatever you want for your own happiness, giving yourself me time is the best way to recover from a mental breakdown. Having me time is as simple as treating yourself a good meal and having a lie in all day by watching movies. It will help you understand yourself better and get to know more about how to make yourself happier without depending on others.
Get enough sleep

I know it might be hard for you to get enough sleep when you are in a period of experiencing a mental breakdown when a lot of stresses are taking over your mind. But whatever the reason is, please do make sure to have enough sleep especially when you are going through mental illnesses since lack of sleep can result in worsening your level of nervous breakdown.
Try taking up a new hobby

It is never too late to start a new hobby as the hobbies are the ones to make your mind feel at ease generally. You should explore more activities to turn your mind into more peaceful and productive one, which will help you focus on certain things that make you feel relief.
Open up to your friends

Sometimes, it is better to share than to keep it yourself. If you are feeling too suffocated by your own negative feelings, try opening up to your friends how you feel inside or what is weighing your mind lately and accept their reasonable and useful advises.
Practice social media detox

Probably, social media is likely to be one of the things which brings negative vibes to you. A social media detox may just be enough for you if you are experiencing anxiety and stress that come with social media use. Practicing social media detox and trying to explore an actively real and authentic lifestyle might somehow help you to reduce the stresses.
Do more physical exercises

Doing physical exercises, such as swimming, running, biking, will be an advantage to prevent your thoughts running over some tragic things. It will somehow help you to have a sound sleep during the night since your body is tired from losing physical energy.
Spend time with your loved ones: friends or family

It is important to not always stay alone when you are emotionally tired. Try giving a part of your time to your loved ones who you are comfortable to be around and spend time on group activities, such as watching movies together, sharing thoughts, having family meal, baking cakes together. It will help you to realize that you are not alone in this and your family and friends are there to support you along.
I individually believe that taking care of the mental health is as important as taking care of the physical health. So never ignore the need of curing mental issues and never fail to make yourself feel happily ever after.
All the information in the blog is based on personal thoughts and only to give personal advices, which is clearly incompatible with the professional’s advices. So if the thoughts of harming yourself physically has ever come across your mind, please do visit a professional psychiatrists and getting proper treatment is a must.