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Truth About Sunscreens ?

Two types of sunscreen which neither of them is necessarily better for your skin ......
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Do you love to use skincare and especially sunscreen? If you aren’t a skincare fanatic, you won’t notice the differences between physical and chemical sunscreens. With all the pleasure, let me explain what are the differences and why should we use it? Sunscreen is a product that helps protect our skin against UV rays that can cause skin aging, wrinkles, and other nightmarish conditions. There are two types of sunscreen( physical and chemical) neither of them is necessarily better for your skin; however which one is better for the environment?

Physical sunscreens, more commonly known as mineral sunscreens, work by creating a physical barrier on the skin that shields it from the sun’s rays. On the other hand, chemical sunscreens sink into your skin and act more like a sponge. We usually think about ourselves first when it comes to picking one. Let’s think the other way this time- what about for the environment?

Some of the active ingredients in chemical sunscreens, notably oxybenzone, octocrylene, and octinoxate ( trust me I hate chemical names too) have been associated with dying coral reefs. Coral reefs can also absorb nanoparticles, or very tiny particles, from sunscreens, regardless of ingredients. This means that products do not contain nano zinc oxide or chemicals that mentioned above are biodegradable and reef-safe. So, apparently, if you go to the beach and go into the sea to swim, it would be better if you use physical or mineral ones rather than chemical ones. Or you can find those products that are described as reef-safe or Oxybenzone-free.

Although it would seem like a tiny tinny thing you are doing, don’t forget the fact that

“ It's the little things that matter most”

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