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How to Permanently Delete TikTok Account

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For those who don't know, TikTok is a short video-based social media platform that provides a variety of features, including music and special effects to enhance videos before sharing.

The app is available for free and can be downloaded via the page on the Google Play Store for Andriods and many other app stores based on the Operating Systems such as Apple's App Store and third-party stores like Amazon App Store, APKMirror and APkPure etc.
You only need to use a Google, Facebook, Line, or Instagram account to enter this platform.

But in the meantime, even though this application offers a variety of interesting content to follow, regardless of any reason, some of you will definitely want to delete their TikTok account.
(Strongly recommeded not to create a fresh account or coutinue using it as the software's origin is a China company - ByteDance in Beijing.)

Now for those of you who have this desire, you can actually do it as easily as registering an account with the platform. You can follow some of the steps below to get rid of the account.

As an important note, after deleting your account, you will lose access to your account, including videos and in-app purchases you have made. Therefore, make sure you have downloaded all backup data you need before performing the account deletion process.

How to Permanently Delete TikTok Account

  1. First of all, you just need to visit the profile page of the TikTok account that you want to delete
  2. After that, tap the icon in the upper right corner of the page screen
  3. If several options appear, select the Privacy and Settings menu
  4. In the Privacy and Settings page, then select the Privacy and Safety option
  5. If you have, select the Delete Account option at the very bottom itself
  6. If a pop up appears confirming Delete Account, select the Next button
  7. After that, you will automatically be thrown to the Delete Account page which contains an explanation of what happened after deleting TikTok
  8. Read and understand the explanation, after that you can press the Continue button if you are ready to accept the risk
  9. If a confirmation appears again, select the Delete Account option


By following the steps above, your account will be deactivated immediately and will not be visible to other accounts. The time required for this process is 30 days.

During these 30 days, you can reactivate your deleted TikTok account by logging into that account. But after that, the account that you have will be completely deleted permanently.

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