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Have you played Wordle?

A game, every streamer has been playing on twitch, a trending game everyone has been talking or sharing on the social media, a game with words ......
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A game, every streamer has been playing on twitch, a trending game everyone has been talking or sharing on the social media, a game with words on the colorful blocks which looks confusing to the people who don't know the game.But Do not worry if you don't know because I am here to explain to you about the game called Wordle .

What is wordle?

Wordle is a game created by a software developer called Josh Wardle for his partner who loves word games. The game was loved by so many people and later, the game was continued by the New York Times Newspaper.
The game is completely free to play and you do not need a additional software or game program to play it, you can easily play it on the new york times website or by clicking the link here.

What is the game about?

Wordle is a guessing game where you have to guess the word of the day. The word contains five letters and you have to guess that word in 6 tries or else you lose the game. With 26 letters and tons of possible 5-letter word, it can be overwhelming if you think it straight. But the game gives you hints. If a correct letter is in the right position, it will show it as a green, meaning you no longer have to think the word for that position and you can continue guessing based on that correct letter. If the letter is in the word but not in correct position, it will show it as a grey, showing you will have to play around with that letter to guess its correct location.
With trials and errors, you will be close to the answer as you have more and more correct words in right position. But watch out! you only have six tries.

Why it is so addictive?

The main thing is that you can only play the game only one time a day, the same word for all people around the world. If you fail to guess the correct one time you have to wait a day for an another try for an another word. In case you succed the guessing, satisfaction you got is so worthy of the waiting and you will be looking forward to an another day for wordle. It truely is a great timeless word game for all people.

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