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16 Personality Types Test

Are you sick of the generic personality test that depends on thing totally unrelated to your personality. Blood types test is too generic to be ......
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Are you sick of the generic personality test that depends on thing totally unrelated to your personality. Blood types test is too generic to be true since there are only common four blood types and in case of zodiac, we know that the time we were born has clearly no effect on our personality. We are the result of our parents, environments we grow in and our choices we made along the way. So what is the best way to know ourselves better rather than relying on these unreliable methods. Fortunately, I have one for you. It is called the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator.

The Myers-Brigg Type Indicator

It is created by Isabel Myers Brigg and her mother, Katherine Brigg with the purpose of using the people’s personalities and differentiate the personalities from each other. Their idea is to put the already existed psychological types of the people into practice and help people to understand better.
Indicator consists of only four parts which are the main aspects of the personality of a person. These four are
  1. Introvert(I) or Extrovert(E)
  2. Sensing(S) or Intuition(I)
  3. Thinking(T) or Feeling(F)
  4. Judging(J) or Perceiving(P)

A person will be asked a set amount of psychological questions to decide whether he is an introvert or extrovert, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling or etc.

The end result should be looked like
ISTP or EIfJ or other combinations of four indicators depending on your answers on the test.
Since there are 4 indicators, there should be sixteen possible combinations. These sixteen combinations are called 16 personalities and each personality has each own strong points and its own weaknesses. The deep understanding of the personality, their desirable career path or partner or what type of person is usually decided based on that combination.

These are the representations of each personality:
  1. ISTJ – The Inspector
  2. INFJ – The counselor
  3. INTJ – The mastermind
  4. ENFJ – The giver
  5. ISTP – The craftsman
And etc.

Where can you test your personality?

You can easily test online on a website. There a handful of test on the internet where you can use them for free of charge. My favorite one is the 16personalities cause its questions include wide range of answers and depth explanation of the resulted personality. People suggest that you should take at least three times to minimize the margin of the error since people can make slightly different choices along the test resulting in different personality type.

But please do not take the answer seriously!!!

At the end of the day, it is a just a fun test to help you understand yourself a little bit better. So, you are not supposed to become exactly like what your personality tell you to become. At the end, you are you after all.

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