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About us

D4Donation is an organization developed to support our Heroes, devoting to The Revolution and sacrificing themselves.

What's Happening
in Myanmar?

Citizens in Myanmar had been taking part in the peaceful protests against the military since the first day of Feburary. Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) has been started since no one wanted to work under their brutal dictatorship.

Under the leadership of the CRPH, the People's Defense Force (PDF) was formed to protect the lives and property of the people after peaceful protests were violently suppressed by military armed forces.

To this day, our people are still in the Civil Disobedience Movement against the dictatorial tyranny of the military coup,
resigning from the works under dictatorship because they do not want to be employees of the dictatorship. Not giving up our professions, but it does hurt the business cycle of the dictatorial government, making it more difficult to do business. Relying on the people-to-people support, we who want justice help each other sticking together. Every little help will be a force for the citizens of justice, and for all our heroes.

Therefore, D4Donation.org has been now created with the intention of strengthening all of this much-needed support, even if for little peace of help.

"Since we live in this world, we have to do our best for this world."

- Aung San Suu Kyi

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